Accounting for the healthcare industry is a specialised field. To make the most of the opportunities available, a deep understanding of the industry and government funding is essential. As a result of our health industry expertise and continued success in the health industry field, we created Rose Health.
We have built an extensive set of tools over the years through the huge amount of experience we have. Now we have detailed industry benchmarking, KPI’s, and have built up a database that we can measure. Our wealth of knowledge and experience ensures healthcare professionals have all the information they need to grow their business.
Rose Partners have a passion for the healthcare industry, which drives our hunt for opportunities and getting the most for our clients. If you are looking to buy, sell or finance your medical practice or health related business, we can show you how to get the best value.
These services include:
These services include:
These services include:
These services include:
These services include:
Rose Health offers advice and valuations for health industry businesses looking to buy or sell. If you need sound advice, we need to calculate the complete value of your business, including the estimation of future profit. We help you prepare your exit strategy by looking at the whole picture when it comes to the value of your business.
Rose Health has consulted extensively within the health sector for over 35 years. We hold the expertise and industry knowledge to provide advice and complete valuations for our clients. We are an accredited Panel Valuer for pharmacies and all medical practices, and other allied health, with all major Australian Banks.
Phone: (03) 9690 7299
Level 5, 150 Albert Road, South Melbourne VIC 3205, Australia
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation